12-06-2015 t/m 21-06-2015
Based on the first chapter of Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore, KRAAI is a show about wanting to fly and invisible friends speaking words of encouragement.
The young protagonist wants to leave home. He is encouraged by the conversations with his invisible friend Crow and his wise words. Full of expectation, curiosity and optimism, he sets forth into the wide world.
In 2015, choreographer Jasper van Luijk created a version of Crow for adults on Oerol. The press: A moving dance duet (…) The tender play is touching (CLEEFT). The dancers almost appear to have wings at some points (Theaterkrant).
He has now created a version for the whole family, in which he wraps around the desire to fly in energetic dance.
Mirjam van der Linden